Learn about clients, use the sale signals, analyse the effects of promotional activities

See mTR in action

Transform data from media
into strategic information with us

Enrich content marketing

Monitor the Internet

Our monitoring of Internet and social media will help you find out directly from customers about their expectations towards your brand, products and services. It will show to you the overlapping areas and also communication and promotional potential for your brand. It will help you establish relations with opinion leaders and draw inspirations for content marketing.

Your work can be based on a significant data and valuable insight. With specialist reports, you will be able to evaluate the activities of your market rivals, plan promotional activities and diagnose customers needs. Our analyses enable to evaluate media power of brands and effectiveness of marketing activities.

Monitor trends and reach to insights

Reports and analyses

Monitor trends and reach to insights

Reports and analyses

Your work can be based on a significant data and valuable insight. With specialist reports, you will be able to evaluate the activities of your market rivals, plan promotional activities and diagnose customers needs. Our analyses enable to evaluate media power of brands and effectiveness of marketing activities.

Benchmark with competition and also within your own portfolio


You can carry out the benchmark evaluations on your own with the use of the Analytical Module. You can set up media types freely and analyse data up to two years back. You can compile detailed reports with some help from the experienced analysts from our Department of Analyses.

With admonit tool, you will verify the activity of advertisers in press, radio and television. Review the creations and get up-to-date reports on advertising expenses in the industry. Now you can quickly monitor correctness of media plans and work on the advertising budgets. With mTR, you can also compare the results of the advertisements monitoring with the effectiveness of PR actions expressed as AVE and set the popularity of competitors in media against their advertising activities.

Plan the effects of promotional activities and advertising budget


Plan the effects of promotional activities and advertising budget


With admonit tool, you will verify the activity of advertisers in press, radio and television. Review the creations and get up-to-date reports on advertising expenses in the industry. Now you can quickly monitor correctness of media plans and work on the advertising budgets. With mTR, you can also compare the results of the advertisements monitoring with the effectiveness of PR actions expressed as AVE and set the popularity of competitors in media against their advertising activities.

Work with key indicators

Our tools enable a multi-dimensional analysis of the effects of marketing activities carried out with the use of a vast range of indicators, among others the share of voice, reach, overtone, popularity, engagement in social media, advertising value equivalent and advertising expenditure.

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